Artificial grass has been increasingly used in various sports fields and playgrounds (for both recreational and competetive purposes)!It offers many advantages compared to natural grass, such as low maintenance cost, no need for watering or fertilizers and a uniform playing surface over the whole field. Additionally, it can be used all year round with no significant deterioration of its performance.

Nevertheless, there are still some drawbacks to using artificial grass - it may not provide the same level of shock absorbtion as natural grass and can become slippery when wet. Moreover, the installation process is quite expensive.

However, these cons don't seem to discourage people from using artificial turf! It's quite popular due to its versatility: from football fields and tennis courts to golf courses and even mini-golf areas; artificial grass is being implemented in numerous applications with great success. Also, it's widely accepted by athletes because it provides an excellent grip which allows them to perform their best.

Furthermore, artifical turf can also be used in playgrounds since it complies with health & safety regulations while providing a safe environment for kids to play on. On top of that, unlike natural grass which needs frequent mowing or trimming; artifical turf requires minimal maintenance so you won't have messes around your yard!

In conclusion, despite its few downsides; artificial turf has become an irreplaceable asset in modern sports (and recreation) facilities thanks to its low-maintenance costs and long lifespan. Plus, given its wide range of applications; this type of surface provides a more enjoyable experience for athletes (and kids) alike!